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Foundation in Biomedical Sciences I (BMSC 7005)

This course introduces students to fundamental topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, Anatomy and Cell Biology, and Pharmacology and Toxicology as preparation for research in the biomedical sciences.


Molecular and Cell Biology (MCBI 7410/ANAT 7202)

This course is designed to provide a conceptual framework for the mass of information that is now known about cells, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, and an introduction to topics, including control of gene expression, recombinant DNA technology, vesicular trafficking, biogenesis of intracellular organelles, cytoskeletal dynamics, cell junctions, stem cells, cell signaling, and cell division.


Advanced Topics in Cell Biology (ANAT 6292)

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of modern biomolecular methodologies for cell biology investigation. First, the course will offer an overview of the experimental approaches used to characterize the main components of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells (nucleic acids, proteins and lipids). The course will then cover the methodologies to investigate the structure and heterogeneity of cells and tissues. Finally, the latest approaches to generate cellular and animal models and the tools for their genetic manipulation will be presented. Traditional lectures will be integrated with flipped classroom activities in which selected papers from recent scientific literature will be assigned for home reading and class discussion.


Medical Neuroscience (ANAT 7215)

Comprehensive survey and function of human nervous system, including introduction to clinical neuroscience.

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